Keep the Promise Podcast - Building Resilient and Well-rounded Firefighters
Keep the Promise host TJ shares strategies and tactics to survive - and thrive - on and off the job. Discover how to fuel your body, mind, and spirit so you can have the energy to perform on scene and to live your best life on your days off.
For over a decade, TJ has worked in all facets of the fire service, and he candidly shares his wins, his losses, and all the lessons learned in the process. You'll learn how to injure-proof your body, nutrition, recovery, physical fitness, mental stamina, firefighter strategy and tactics, how to deal with the stresses of the job, how to be a better firefighter at home, and how to lead a long and fruitful career where you can make a difference in the lives of others.
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Keep the Promise Podcast - Building Resilient and Well-rounded Firefighters
056. We Have a Standard to Uphold: A Journey of Endurance, Mentorship, and Firefighting [Part 1]
Join us on this episode of the Keep the Promise podcast as we welcome Hailey Green, a dedicated firefighter and athlete. After a year of scheduling back-and-forth, Hailey shares her journey into the fire service, her commitment to rigorous training, and her passion for endurance sports.
Expect to learn:
- Insights into Hailey’s comprehensive approach to fitness and firefighting
- Her unique path into the fire service
- How to maintain composure and wellbeing amidst the pressures of the job
- And so much more
Whether you're an aspiring firefighter or an endurance athlete, Hailey’s story has inspiration and practical advice for you.
01:21 Hailey’s Marathon Experience
01:46 Training and Mental Toughness
09:35 Journey to Becoming a Firefighter
13:44 Fire Service Culture and Mentorship
19:56 Wellness Routine for Firefighters
23:53 Sibling Firefighters and Diverse Backgrounds
25:40 Insights from Corporate to Fire Service
30:25 Multiple Calls Podcast and Continuous Learning
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TJ: ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the Keep the Promise podcast. Today is a very day because I was finally able to track down and find the time to meet with a guest that I've been chasing for probably about a year.
A firefighter, an athlete, a podcaster, Haley Green. Haley, welcome
Hailey: Thanks for having me.
TJ: I am super excited to finally get to record with you. We've been talking about this for a long time and for schedule reasons, we've been going back and forth and back and forth, but we made it,
Hailey: Yeah, finally. Yeah, I'm excited to be here. And, um, yeah, a lot of back and forth, but now we can finally record it and chat about the stuff we want to talk about. So I'm excited.
TJ: So you have all an idea of everything that we're going to talk about, but we kind of threw a wrench into the whole system because we were supposed to meet last weekend and you decided you were going to go run a ton of kilometers for you guys up there. So you ran a marathon.
Hailey: Yeah. Um, yeah, it's my first marathon. Um, it was really like, it was, I don't know. I think if you train for it properly and build it up in a proper way, it was quite, it was fun. I had a lot of fun that day. It was perfect weather. I would say around 38 K my legs started to kind of get cramped up a bit, but at that point there was no way I was stopping.
So I was just, uh, made sure I completed it. But yeah, I had a lot of fun. Um, if people want to do like events like that, it's really smart to one, like just get a coach. Um, I relied on him a lot for like most of my all, like all my training and motivation, uh, just to kind of like reassure me that I was doing the right things, the right training.
Cause normally in the past I would just do as much as I could, uh, with like no structure, like a rough structure, but I always think like more is better. But so having him like, just tell me what to do, shut my brain off and just follow the plan. It was really nice. Um, yeah, like anything, uh, distance wise too.
I think it's very, um, a lot of it's mostly mental. Um, when your body's kind of telling you to stop or like you feel like you're in pain, I just always would tell myself, I'm like, okay, like the pain is going to end at some point when I'm finished. So I'm like, I just got to keep going. And it's a lot of just, um, I know some people will do like a.
A landmark trip where it's like, I'll run to the stop sign and then I'll stop if I feel bad, but then you keep going because it just kind of like, okay, like I'm already at like 25 K or something like that. So, yeah, if people want to get into like endurance stuff, and I never used to be a runner, I started running maybe like 5 years ago, but again, it would be like a 5 K, 10 K.
And I was always just like full on out. I would not do like anything like zone two or anything slower. So actually having like structure programming where it made sense was, um, really helpful. But yeah, like it was beautiful weather, flat course. I just tried to keep up with the pacer in front of me cause they have the pacer bunnies.
So I just like stuck with him the whole time cause I had my goal. So yeah, marathon went really well. And I think I learned a lot about myself. Uh, during the training more like the event was more because I knew I could do it because I did all the training up to it, just having the confidence for that. Uh, but the training was the thing where it's like more rewarding, um, staying consistent, having a plan in place and kind of like figuring it out.
There's some days where I took an OT the one day. So I did 16 K in the morning and then I did. Like, um, I think it was 10 hour shift for OT and then I just finished the rest of the 16k in the evening So it's just kind of like like finding ways get like the work done and then yeah,
TJ: So you're mostly focused on the process, not so much the outcome, and you feel that
Hailey: I yeah, I feel like that was better because I was My like I know I had a time goal in mind and my coach gave me a goal Um based on my training and what we kind of talked about Long term as to what my goals are with running Um But yeah, I was more of just like enjoying the running every day. And then I knew race day, I was like, Hey, like my goal is just to like finish it.
And if I get like my time goal, that's awesome. But there's so many variables where it's like, what if I woke up sick? What if I didn't feel well during the run? Or like, what if my nutrition was bad? But like, you can only plan for so much. But then looking back, I'm like, wow, like I did a lot to prep for this race.
And I know like when people do like any event, uh, leading up to like a bodybuilding show, Uh, any runner endurance training, it's more of like enjoying the journey to it. Cause then you show up, you show up to the run, you show up to the bike rides instead of being like, Hey, like, I just want to finish a marathon.
Cause I, I saw some people who are like good on them for doing it. I like doing a marathon, but there were people who were like, you could tell them, like, did they, like, did they train? Cause it was so much more enjoyable where it's like, if you put in the work before you just show up to race day and it's like, you're confident I already did this and like, this is like.
The party where you enjoy your adrenaline's like all the way up. You're around people who are motivated and you just like ride that wave. And then, yeah, I just, I find it's the training's challenging and then race day is just challenging, but it's also like, okay, like I did the work let's have fun.
TJ: I, I do love that outlook of focusing on the training leading you there and kind of just enjoying that process, like enjoying the day itself. Because you already know that, that you've done the work. How long was your training? How, like, when did you decide I'm running and then start training up
Hailey: So I, in March I did a 35 kilometer run. So that was around the Bay. Um, and my coach and I talked about this, like a rough schedule for the year. So we planned out the 35k and then we kind of just build on my fitness from there. I did have a running background before but nothing like long distance. So I did the 35 and then I scheduled the Ottawa half marathon too in May.
So I did that one, then I did another one just to keep building, get faster. And I did a couple, I did a sprint triathlon and then I did Olympic distance duathlon. So I kind of just like continue to build my fitness throughout the year alongside the hell with my coach. And I do, I got to do strength training as well too.
And I, we can talk about that later, but I find that like if you do strength training alongside running and stuff like that too, it's just, uh, it's so helpful recovery wise. Um, and then, so we did all those events. I did a trail run to NBC. It was 27 K and that was, that was tough. Uh, elevation was, uh, 1200 meters.
So I got up to the top. My fingers were like sausages because I'm used to elevation. I'm like, why are my fingers so big right now? Um, but yeah, that was a, that was really challenging and really fun. And then I think it was after the half marathon in May, I said, okay, let's do a full marathon. Let's just do like the natural progression to it.
And then my coach looked at my numbers and said like, okay, this is like rough estimate what we'll plan for. And then, yeah, we just built it from, uh, March to, uh, November. So it did take a bit, but I think having all those events, uh, in between kept me motivated. It just like kept building on my fitness and my, um, I found that my fitness was really good.
It's just building up the leg strength for long distances takes a bit, but I, again, like with strength training really helped that as well. Just being in the gym and doing. Like heavy deadlifts, squats, and um, not shying away from those. So, yeah, just like a natural, like, year progression into it.
TJ: And also doing those events as you're progressing up to it, as you're building up to it. Kind of gives you that feedback of what you need to focus on and what things maybe you thought Certain areas you were deficient on you're like actually no i'm good there I can focus on other stuff and just keep basically bulletproofing
Hailey: and I found that, like, my coach and I have, we're having a call on Tuesday, just like review everything and then plan for next year. Uh, cause like I have a rough estimate as to what events I want to do, and he knows my goals for next year. But also like, I know, like, okay, like swimming is not my strongest point.
So I'm working with a swim team to work on that. And like, I know for bike and run I'm good with, but there's always room to improve, right? I want to get faster on longer distances. So him and I will have that conversation and kind of plan for that. But yeah, I think it's like a big thing too is reflecting on events and looking back and like with anything in life, it's like, what could I have done better?
And like, how do I improve? And then accepting that, like, sometimes I'm not the best at some stuff. Um, like my coach and I were like for the triathlon, he's like, Hey, like, just do what you can on the swim, like you're fit, but then like make it up for it in the bike and run. And I'm like, after I was like, I don't want to keep making up for it in the bike and run.
So I need to work on my swimming. So then it's like fully like, Equal across the field, so
TJ: So you like these things where you prepare for a long time And then you just have to do the work. So it comes as no surprise that you ended up in the fire service. Tell us a bit about the journey that led you to becoming a firefighter.
Hailey: so I went originally to university to do, um, I did a criminology degree. Uh, I wanted to be a police officer, so,
TJ: Oh, no. Goodbye. That's it. We're ending the
Hailey: uh, I wanted to
TJ: Thank you
Hailey: be a police officer. And then, um, my best friend growing up, her dad was a firefighter in Toronto, actually, and he, um, I was kind of unsure about, uh, policing just because, you know, I don't know, like just the things I've heard about it.
I don't know. Like I, I didn't know, like, I don't know if it would fit my personality and who I am as a person career wise. And I know some cops love their jobs, but again, like any job, it's like, does it fit like what you want in life? So he invited me out to his station. I tried on the gear, tried some like, um, I guess like search and rescue drills and like went up the, the hose tower with, um, the gear on and like carrying some mire Uh, also like checked out the trucks and then he had, um, three of the firefighters talk to me just about the profession.
I had like a list of questions. I looked at all the qualifications I needed, um, on their employment site. I had no clue what any of them were, like fire one, fire two. I'm like, no clue. Like, I don't know any of this. I'm like EMR. Okay. Like I know that's a medical thing, but like I had to look into this more.
So I just asked a bunch of questions about that. I asked questions about, uh, what their lives were like outside of the career. How did they deal with the things that they see, uh, how they get into it. Um, just like all those kinds of things. Cause you want, obviously like the job is one thing, but what's it like having the job outside of work as well too?
Like what's the schedule like, what's it's like when you shift work? Um, how do they manage that? So I just asked a bunch of questions. Um, and then I talked to my family about it and then I think a week later I did a bunch of research. Found my program and then signed up. So it's pretty quick like a week later.
I was like, yeah, I'm just gonna do it So then I went did all my training in Texas So did like the hybrid program because then I did I worked full time. I didn't want to go back to school full time So I did that instead, came back, got my IDZ, like the driver's license to operate a firetruck, got my EMR, everything that came back here, and then, uh, started working.
Like I already worked out, but I was pretty small at the time. Uh, I was like, for reference, I was like 120 pounds, like 5'10 So not the healthiest. So I had to realize that after, cause I was a volunteer firefighter too, for about two and a half years, there was a call and I was like, I don't think like I could do this like full time job being this size.
So I hired a coach. Um, I was super fit, but it was like more of, um, I could run, like I could be like an endurance athlete kind of thing. Like there's no size on me. So put on some muscle, got strong, passed all the physical stuff. Um, after I think it was, Couple months after that, put on like the weight, um, did all the skills testing and then just started applying.
Um, a lot of, I think what made me successful was mentorship, just asking people for help, um, going out, like obviously being a volunteer was helpful too because I got experience in the field. So I got like actual, like I got to go to calls and they kind of built me up to it as well. Like anything, any Any call that you would see, like a junior firefighter, you'd be like, Hey, like maybe we'll like easier into this or like, and that kind of aspect.
And then all the guys in volunteer were senior. Like I would say they're like 35 to like, like 55 ish. So I was a new person. So anything training wise, I was told to go first. So I got like a lot of reps, which is super helpful. Um, so yeah, I was a volunteer for a bit and then just started applying, uh, got hired been two and a half years now full time.
So. Yeah, it's awesome. And I love, like, I know the podcast is like giving me a lot of connections and people, like I made so many friends through it too. And, uh, I'm lucky to have Scott and Brad and Matt as like mentors as well too. But yeah, it's been like, I think the thing I love about the podcast that we do is that we interview people and like everyone's way into firefighting is different.
And I, I, I used to ask all the time, I would ask people who are mentoring me, like, how'd you get into it? And like, what jobs did you do before thinking there's like one like way where it's like, there's one job to get into it. It's like, no, like there's so many different backgrounds into firefighting. Like I have a different diverse background to like university, worked some corporate jobs, worked for like community living and care, like, um, home care for a bit did I'm hiring.
Like, there's so many different ways into it. Um, I think that was like a big realization for me. I encourage people now to like, obviously have a good resume and strong skill set, but just. Don't count yourself out because you don't have the same background as what you think should be a firefighter. So
TJ: Yeah, I think that's what makes a fire service profession unique is that we, we have experts from so many fields who ended up doing the same thing. I remember my academy, we had, you know, people who had been in the military, who had been police officers, corporate world, straight out of high school, like the whole nine, again, that whole spectrum was incredible.
I want to go back a little bit to what you mentioned when you were, when you Pretty much grilling all these people about their lives in the fire service. Because it's something you don't hear about it too much. When we get that bug, when we get bitten, we're like, dude, I just want to be, I just want to be a firefighter.
I want to do all these crazy things. You actually took the time to say, timeout, what's your life like outside of the job? And I think that shows a level of awareness and a level of forethought that we don't often see because myself included, a lot of us go into it. Knowing full well, it's the best job in the world, not realizing what the fallout is going to be when, you know, we're sleep deprived and we have that mental fog and our humor is dark and our memories are traumatic.
So what led you to ask those questions? And most importantly, how did it shape your perception of the fire service? Because you were, you had no idea what you were getting into. And now hopefully these people are telling you. Hey man, this is the shit I've seen. Did it change anything at all of what you thought in the fire service?
Hailey: for the first one, I remember one of my corporate jobs. I was talking to one of the, um, because I thought about doing project management and working my way up in that because that's what my dad did. So I thought about doing that as a career and I remember talking to him and he's like, oh, like, it's very difficult to be home all the time and that kind of stuff.
So I was like, I need to, because it has just, our job was so busy and like hours were very irregular. So I think that led me to think, okay, like, what does, what do I want my life to look like outside of work as well, too? Um, so that, like, led me to question, like, hey, what's it going to be like, again, like, shift work?
You know what shift work does to people and, like, being a nurse or being a police officer or paramedic? Um, so making sure like that was, um, something I could deal with. And like, again, like if we run calls all night, I'm going to have to nap. So having to like, understand that too, and building my life around, like, obviously I love my job, but also like being able to like take time after relax, um, and accepting that too.
Cause normally I'm always go, go, go. So I think that was, that was like a big thing too. I was like, Hey, like, I need to be realistic as to like, If i'm doing this job too, I need to make time after work to relax So that was good to kind of see that and also like being a female too and asking The females about like, what, what's it like being a mom as a firefighter too?
And like being away for 24 hours, um, was like, I've seen like so many moms who like are obviously like they're great firefighters and they're great moms too. So I've seen it done. So it's just kind of like, you don't think about those things all the time, but you normally talk to people who have nine to fives, so it's kind of a bit different.
So then you ask people who are actually in the field, what it's like, it was very insightful and helpful. So that just reassured me. I'm like, I could do that. Um, and the way they, they talked about the job. They didn't say like one bad thing about like, like, yeah, we see like some things that are like, not like the best.
Obviously we see things, um, people's worst days, but it's just like, for me, I found that what works well for me is just having like good mentors, good people to talk to, like have my siblings. Um, I also have, like I work with a therapist if I need anything to talk about with him. Uh, just again, like running, working out, eating well.
Um, I, it's just like some things that people don't think of, like proper hydration, proper sleep off of shift schedule and not like overloading yourself with like a bunch of like random tasks or jobs and stuff too, just taking time for yourself. Cause we are like, when we're at work, we are working. For 24 hours.
So it's like having that time downtime for yourself, having hobbies and stuff too. So I encourage people who go into the fire service just like make sure you have like a well rounded, uh, wellness routine and think about not just like the physical self, but also your mental health. Uh, I remember when I, right when I started, I started with, um, More like performance, like a psychotherapist, but he's like more performance based.
So it's like, if I have anything I want to talk about with him, it's always good to talk about the career stuff, but also I'm very goal driven. So like being able to bounce ideas and goals off someone is very helpful. And then also he keeps me like very accountable. So it's just like, I think people need to like reshape what they think about therapy.
Like, it's not just like telling someone about their problems. It's also like if you have goals in life or like things you want to accomplish or work on, um, that's also like an avenue to look at. Um, so
TJ: And you came into this super prepared everything from like your, your health routine and your mental health routine. Kudos to you. And you just keep giving me more stuff that I want to ask questions about. Um, so I don't pick a number between one and three, cause I have three different questions that I
Hailey: before I
TJ: Two. Okay. So the first one was going to be about the sibling. Second one was going to be about the wellness routine. And the third one was going to be about therapy. So let's talk about this wellness routine. What is your go to wellness routine before, during, and after shift? Mm
Hailey: my body. Um, I realized that like, I know we get to work it on shift, but personally for me, I have too much energy in the morning. So I will normally go and like do a walk or work out in the morning. Um, Just because I know, like, I'm, I'm wired. I don't know what it is, but I just need to burn off energy, and then I go into shift just feeling more chill and ready to go, uh, during shift, uh, just making sure, like, I spend time with the guys and the crew, um, if they're, like, working out together, we'll do a workout together, um, also, if there's any, like, difficult call, just Talking to your crew about it, um, is a big thing, uh, calling family if I need to, but also like, yeah, just having time to yourself sometimes, but also being involved with the crew, enjoying the moments, um, being paid, like very like present with patients and stuff as well too.
And, um, providing that service that they deserve. And I know like, it's not always, it's not always easy. Sometimes it's very difficult, but like making sure that you're Putting your best foot forward every call as best as you can. And like, obviously we, like, you can't, um, people alter emotions, right? Like some days you're going to feel a bit off and that's okay.
Um, and then after shift, I'll normally, depending on how busy we are, um, I will normally nap or I'll go to the gym right away in the morning and then nap a bit later. But yeah, like I need, I find like, I love people and like, I love being around like my crew and stuff too, but I think it's also like, it's very smart to have like a decompression time.
Like, just like bring it down. Get outside, be by myself for a little bit and then, um, do whatever I need to do for that day. But yeah, working out is like normally my go to after, um, yeah, shift. So that's my wellness routine, I guess. Yeah.
TJ: That is your pillar for wellness. I love it. I love it. Yeah. And, and the point that you said about taking time for yourself is so real. Cause I remember there were times that. I would just look at my crew. I wouldn't even say anything. I'm like, I love you guys, but I can't fucking stand you right now.
So i'm gonna go outside and hang out by the fuel pumps and nobody bother me And I hope we don't get a call because I just i've been hyper socialized Sometimes you would even go to the bunk room to just try to chill And you know here come the hooligans and you're like, oh man, you know Like the medicans up flying over your partition wall.
Hailey: Yeah. I think,
TJ: Just trying to chill here
Hailey: work like being in a team environment as like growing up, I played team sports growing up and that really helped like being able to be around people for 24 hours, not just like your crew, but being around like the public for 24 hours. It could be. If you're not used to that and like, not used to being in like a team environment where there's like, we have two crews at my station and a PC.
So it's like, it's a lot of people, but it's like, I kind of thrive in that environment because I'm used to being in the team environment, playing team sports. So, um, yeah, it's very, it's interesting being around, like your family quote unquote for like 24 hours and then like. Yeah, so it,
TJ: What's a pc
Hailey: chief,
TJ: Oh, so, okay, so, to try to put it in terms that I will understand, how many people does the platoon chief
Hailey: uh, on our crew, it'll be a minimum staffing's 21. So, um, yeah, so like he'll be in
TJ: Oh, so wait, you got 21 people at your
Hailey: No, no, no. Like our two crew. Yeah. Yeah. So we have a pumper and an aerial. So there'll be four on the aerial and there'll be four in the pump. And he's, um, basically in charge of our whole. Yeah, so he'll be at our station.
TJ: Okay, so that, at least for us, for my department, that's what our battalion
Hailey: Yeah, that would be the same.
TJ: because nothing is standardized at the fire service. Some people have, like, their assistant chiefs or their district chiefs or whatever. Okay, but that, that checks. That's cool.
Okay, let's go back to the other questions that I had. Let's talk about the siblings in the fire service, right?
Hailey: Well, my sister, my sister, she's full time. Um, originally she went to school. She was a nurse. So she does, she still works as a nurse now. But yeah, she started off being a nurse and then she moved out to do some travel nursing and she kind of, she didn't, yeah, she needed, she was looking for ideas for her to make friends.
Cause like, she's new to the community. So I suggested like, Hey, is there like a volunteer department you can get on there? So she got hired on the volley department there. And then after, I would say, like, Five months she called me and she's like, yeah, like I think I'm going to switch to fire full time So I helped her out.
Um, she kind of she went full like right right into it like went to texas got all her certs done Uh, she got hired pretty quick. She's been on for six months now Um absolutely loves it and she does like the nursing as well, too But um, yeah, like loves the firefighting stuff too super passionate about it.
Um, my brother he is a full time mechanical engineer You But he does volunteer fire as well too. So, um, yeah, it's nice to have, I do talk to my sister a lot about calls and stuff like that as well, or just even the culture and stuff as well. It's nice to talk to her about because she's very understanding and she gets it.
So it's nice to have siblings who understand the career and also like what we see and stuff. So, um, yeah, it's It's nice. It's, it's nice to be able to connect with them about that stuff. And we have a lot in common as to like fitness as well too. Like they both are very active. So yeah, it's, it's, it's a cool dynamic to have them to talk to about that kind of stuff.
TJ: So you have had experience. In the corporate world, you have had experience in team sports and in other activities that more closely resemble what we do in the fire service and you're a smart person. What sort of insights did you get coming into the fire service, into the culture, having background in both pretty like opposite ends of the spectrum, right?
The corporate world being this. like lifeless soul sucking thing. Team sports being all about the team. So what was your initial reaction when you showed up to the very unique culture that it's a fire
Hailey: I think being a volunteer was super helpful with that because I kind of got, um, introduced to it in a different way where it's like, Hey, like I knew being new, what my role was. I knew, um, yeah, I just got time on the trucks, got time on the lines, like throwing ladders and stuff too. I think that was extremely helpful for me and to learn the firefighting culture.
Um, and also having mentors as well, too, to talk to, like Scott, I had a bunch of like mentors who are full time firefighters as well out here. So I think learning it that way was the best. For the team aspect, I think that was, it's just, Make sure you help out each other, uh, like any like team. Um, there's always like one thing that there might be someone better at it than I am.
And then there's some things that I'm better at than other people. So it's like having your captain to understand your strong points and your skills. Um, and when they obviously tell you to do something, it's because they were relying on you or they know that you're confident and you can do it. So that's like the team aspect, which I really like.
Um, and the corporate aspect, I think. That really helped me, um, again, like with public speaking, I need of the, like resumes, cover letters, interviews, I think, uh, just like a strong, um, conversationalist and then being able to do like anytime management, cause I did work in project management. So I was able to kind of like break down, um, the year and kind of see.
How I'm going to get all my certs done and, um, kind of how I manage my time better. Cause obviously, uh, it's busy. Like I had to work a full time job and then pursue fire is like a full time job. And I was a volunteer firefighter too. And you had the, again, like volunteer in the community, you gotta go to interviews.
You gotta do your prep for your OFAI, like all like the skills and the fitness testing. So it's like having good time management skills as well, too. That's what I kind of got from the corporate side. So. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
TJ: I also find it super interesting that you guys have the setup where you have to take your training before you get hired. To me, at least in like the Eastern seaboard, it's always been, you get hired, you get put through an academy, they indoctrinate, you teach you the way and then off you go. And it wasn't until I started traveling to different places for training that I learned that so many people go out of state there.
I don't know where he went in Texas. And now I know fire department training network is a big one. And people will go get all their different certs and then go back. I think Florida was pretty similar. You go to the Florida State Fire College, you get your certs and then you get hired.
Hailey: We had to,
TJ: it's such a unique
Hailey: to get all the certs apply and then you go through their recruit training.
TJ: How long
Hailey: Uh, ours was seven weeks. So we only, I was here with seven other, or it was, there were seven of us. So myself and six guys and we got hired. Um, it was, I got hired in April. We started recruiting in August and it was seven weeks.
I was on the trucks by Canadian Thanksgiving. So I kind of, I kind of like that. Um, just, it was nice to get right into it and, uh, learn from the guys on the trucks too. I had a mentor, like, and obviously a bunch of the guys on the trucks were helpful too. And I never felt, um, I, I not like, I felt confident going on the trucks and like eager to learn.
Uh, I think that was like the best way to kind of like describe it. Like, obviously you're kind of nervous. You're kind of, you're learning new people. Uh, you're in a situation where you're on a, like you're a firefighter now. So. Um, but I would felt like very well mentored. Um, everyone is super like good at answering any questions I have and stuff like that.
So, and if I have anything I'm unsure of, I'm okay with asking it and, um, getting reps on and practice too. Cause again, like I was on for a couple of years as a volunteer. Um, that's, you're not going to be like with everything with firefighting, you have to practice, you have to get reps in. If you're not practicing regularly, it's.
Like muscle memory, you might forget it. Um, so just like having good mentors and stuff like that as well, too, has always been good.
TJ: So the mentorship I want to touch on, because you've mentioned a couple of times about Scott and the rest of the crew at Multiple Calls. You're also a podcaster. So tell me more about the Multiple Calls
Hailey: Yeah. Uh, well, Scott does all the podcasting and he's always the one who's interviews the guests, but I've been on it once, which is really, I was super nervous for that time because it was the first time I've ever been on a podcast. Um,
TJ: Well, you're
Hailey: Yeah.
TJ: it this time. So the nervousness from the first time is
nowhere to be
Hailey: Um, but it's always interesting listening to yourself back, you
TJ: Oh, I don't listen to these apps like ever again. I do my best to make the guests sound amazing. I'm like, here you go. Listen to it. I'm not listening to my
Hailey: but yeah, it's always, it's like, it's great to have them. We talk, uh, pretty, like pretty regularly as well too. And Scott has, um, he's built like such a great podcast and network of people on the podcast. Yeah. Just to highlight there's so many different ways in the firefighting. There's so many different fields like health, wellness, mental health, um, the different traits, like the nozzle for there's so many different techniques and so many different technologies that we can use in firefighting.
Um, that people like are interested in that kind of stuff. You can kind of like dig into it more. There's so many different in like YouTube videos, podcasts about firefighting as well, too. Um, courses you can take. Um, and that's why I like firefighting so much is cause there's so many different fields, like it's medical, but it's also like trades.
It's also patient care. So there's so many different things you have to be a proficient at. Um, and it's just challenging. It's different every day. Um, and being able to like, talk to them and learn from the podcast crew as well, too. It's just, I've learned a lot, um, about myself and, Uh, just like very good conversations whenever we get together too.
And again, they're all like, they're all older. They have good insight in life as well too. So, um, it's just, Yeah, a good group of guys and Scott, I think the information he puts out there and the questions he asks his podcast and the way he runs it is very interesting and, um, insightful for people who want to go into firefighting to, uh, to understand what it's really like and, um, that we have a standard to uphold as well to just, you should always be practicing things, take courses.
Put yourself out there, go to FDIC. Like there's so many like hot classes in the States as well, too. Or even in Canada, there's so many people to reach out to and just go train with others. Um, and that's why I love about firefighting too. When you find like a good group who are really into it. Um, and then you can just like, I have so many friends I've met through the podcast who I talked to about fitness.
Um, they reach out like, Hey, are you going to this training? Um, I made like really good connections in that way. So it kind of just, yeah. If I ever feel like a lull, um, these people, I feel like they reach out at the perfect time to like kind of keep the fire going. So yeah, it's, it's always like fun to talk to others about firefighting too.